I don't buy sweets and I don't make them often, so offering them these things are impossible. When we have birthday parties we like to have party favors, pineapple and make mini pizzas rather than get cupcakes. The children here are very accustomed to the diet here and we never have problems with children not eating their vegetables and fruits. I rarely cook veggies for the kids and I think this helps, I didn't like cooked vegetables when I was a kid, so why would they? I also do not serve "ranch" or other dressings with the veggies, and my children love and ask for more of fresh broccoli, red cabbage, tomatoes, carrots, and snap peas.
I also grow a garden with the children, get them involved in cooking and preparing food. Since kids are such picky eaters getting them involved in the process gets them excited about the food they are trying. You will find some of my recipes are "child assisted and approved" which means they helped make it, and they ATE IT!!! We use our own produce as often as possible and we have chickens that lay eggs too. Being reliant on our own land saves us a lot of money, helps our business leave less of a carbon footprint, and we are happy knowing we give the children nutritious organic local food to eat.
See more stories about the kids and gardening:
See more stories about meals prepared by children: